For developers, VeinIF offers:
Desktop GUI application for running npm scripts
VSCode snippets for quick code templates
Runtime type checking and error reporting via TypeScript
Built in game mechanics: Inventory system, attribute system,
Games made with VeinIF has features of a standard text-based, choice-based Interactive Fiction game:
Allow the player to navigate through a branching narrative
Choices player made will affect the narrative direction
Allow the use of variables (stats/items)
Check variables (stats/items) and lock or allow player to proceed with a choice
And more...
Inventory System: player can pick up and use items, view item description in inventory
Attribute System: Players has Attribute that's increased or decreases depends on their choices.
Built in functions that handle custom character name and pronouns.
Save game to Local Storage with multiple save slot.
Export saves into strings that can be loaded later on.
Last updated